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Amazing Stage Fabrics in Motion

عروض الأداء الفني

AluShape backdrop keeps audience wide awake
A textured silver backdrop colours nocturnal dreamscape
Metallic stage fabrics as a statement
Golden SlitDrape and LurexVoile contrast with everyday life
Electric roll-up systems & hologram scrims change the scene
Invisible projection nets and reveal systems: a dynamic duo
Hologram scrim and roll-up system create magic
3D holograms on PepperScrim add to the illusion
Breathtaking Kabuki curtain drop at Teatro Real
Versatile velvets and inflatable stage fabrics set the mood
Cyclorama magic brings Cinderella to life
Spectacular set design uses hand-painted Cyclo 200 canvas to set the scene
Flame-retardant metallic fabric spreads golden glow
LurexVoile 100 Crunch shapes 3D light show
Terhal: prints & projection on stage fabrics
Cultural spectacle by Dragone with print fabrics and projection materials
Light-diffusing décor for onboard cabaret spectacle
Backlit diffuser fabric sets the tone at cruise show.
Creative projection surfaces at Sound of Dunhuang
Ultra-light fabrics, string curtains and creative projection surfaces
Theatrical time travel through projection fabrics
Projection surfaces take centre stage at the heart of this theatre production
Colourful projections on layered stage tulle
Projections on layered scrims highlight Frida Kahlo’s youth
Light-diffusing fabrics immerse the scene
Backlit PVC screens submerge the stage in ambient glows
Elegant string curtain backdrop on tour
Intimate set design uses flame-retardant strings
Enormous AluShape mountain on stage
Projection on textured backdrop revives The Tempest by Shakespeare
Printed backdrops for Charlie the Musical
Blackout fabrics with cutouts and prints make amazing backdrops
Sheer stage fabrics at performance NYX
Beautifully lit sheers submerge the stage in a colourful glow
GiantMirror stage decoration for Mama
Large circular mirror adds new perspective on stage
Holographic projections on PepperScrim
Immersive video mapping effects on invisible scrim
Velvet backdrop sets retro vibe on stage
Touring with custom-dyed stage velours
Artist reveal at Malumas touring concert
HiSpeed Reveal systems unveil artist on stage
Projection on see-through stage fabric
Play of light and shadow on semi-transparent foil
Backlit translucent fabrics define the mood on stage
Clever set design with light diffusing fabric
Acrobatic backdrops and splendid reveals
ShowTex fabrics spotted in every corner of this circus show
See-through GiantMirror box on stage
Projection on glassless mirror
Stretch fabric sculpture for Oslo National Theatre
Projection mapping on stretch fabric
Glossy festoon for L’Occasione Fa il Ladro
Shiny satin stage décor
Velvets for theatre performance TALK SHOW
Velours stage curtains set the tone
Acoustic wool turns former prison into performance venue
Acoustic wool and sheer stage props
Custom-printed theming fabrics for Puy Du Fou
Fabric ceiling covers & prints
MUTE - string curtain décor
Light effects and projection on a string-curtain backdrop
Backlit backdrop for Beethoven – Immortal Love
Magical translucent stage fabric
Third Practice: FeatherSilk stage decorations
Dreamy FeatherSilk dancing through the air
Crystal-clear glass foil collapses
Impressive 3D effects with front & rear projection surfaces
Sound of Dunhuang
Crystal-clear projections on gauze create beautiful 3D effects
The Barber of Seville
Opera buffa with stunning LurexVoile backdrop
Goodbye Norma Jeane
Elegant Voile CS for Marilyn Monroe
Annie, the musical
Colourful printed backdrops splashing from the stage
Kalthoumiyat / The Ruins
Draped StretchVelours adds the opera touch to the stage
Merlin e Arthur
Tulle Aymond Mini creates magic on stage
Traditional drape with a modern twist
A mystical effect with transparent GiantMirror foil
Losing her voice
Projection on white string curtains
BERG - Raumteid
Printed backdrop creates mountain vibe on stage
Black and White
Merging cinema with performing arts
The Human Dance
Translucent Cyclo 75 walls as your guide
The Rite of Spring
When art and technology meet GiantMirror
Giudizio Universale
A multi-sensory show featuring a 270° projection surface
Tech lab by Zuni Icosahedron
4-sided GiantMirror setup creates infinite reflective theatre
The Little Mermaid Ballet
Earth and sea portrayed by AluShape and GiantMirror
Striking projections on transparent voile
The Little Mermaid Musical
Masking drapes transform event hall in temporary theatre!
Le Timbre d’Argent
Masterpiece rediscovered featuring Satinac by ShowTex
Don Giovanni
GiantMirror Foil at its best
Multimedia performance “8”
A unique audio-visual experience featuring PepperScrim
La Perle by Dragone
inherently flame-retardant fabrics in motion
Maxi projections on Tulle Aymond Mini
Jonathan Roxmouth
Satinac backdrop reflecting the stage lights beautifully
Ludwig II
مرآة عملاقة ملفتة متحركة في طريقة عصرية
The Nutcracker by Plushenko
عرض فيديو على شاشات بلاستيكية قابلة للطي
آثار الهولوغرام من Sila Sveta بواسطة PepperScrimمن شوتكس.
دايناميكية Huangshan
المؤثرات الخاصة المذهلة على خشبة المسرح مع الأقمشة الإسقاط ShowTex
La Bohème
ورقة مطبوعة من ورق Droppaper كخلفية
أحلام ليلة منتصف الصيف
مجموعة الستائر المبطنة خفيفة الوزن " string curtains" من ShowTex
بحيرة البجع "Swan Lake "
اقمشة ShowTex في تصميم مجموعة الحد الأدنى من جون اوتو
أنشأ الفنانين التشكيليين البلجيكيان Sofie Lachaert و Luc d’Hanis المشهد المسرحي الذي يضم قماش AluShape Cretonne من ShowTex.
حفل افتتاح مهرجان ام الامارات
جميع اقمشة ومسارات المسرح كلها من ShowTex
الرجل دون المتوسط
اشرطة مختلفة من ClearScreen Frost كخلفيات متعددة الوظائف
أوبرا الترونديلاغ
قامت شركة ShowTexبحياكة العلم الدنماركي الضخم بواسط قماش "DekoTaft"
قامت Showtex بتصميم مجموعة ديناميكية مصنوعة من دمج 9 شاشات عرض" FP XL"
إمباير نوار
مجموعة تصميم تضم أقمشة StretchTulle و Molton من ShowTex.
ساياه #2
ضوء مفعمة بالحركة، وتضم مرآة عظيمة من ShowTex
عرض مسرحية "إخوة بالدم"
خلفية ذات تفاصيل عالية الدقة مُصنَّعة بواسطة تقنية القطع بالليزر
عرض أوبرا "واسع كالسماء"
تصميم مسرحي مبتكر وطرق مبتدعة لعرض الفيلم
The Seagull
التقاط جميع التفاصيل من منظور مختلف
Mille Plateaux
التركيب الفني المذهل متعدد الطبقات
The Pearl Fishers
مسرحية رائعة مع الإضاءة خلال أداء الأوبرا
Encore Mount Wutai
تأثيرات التصوير المجسم للمسرح وإسقاط العرض
Just Do It
أقمشة فضفاضة ساحرة حاصلة على شهادة
بطولات دبي الدولية للقفز بالمظلات الخامسة
حفل الافتتاح ممتلئ بأسطح العرض
باليه هونج كونج
ستائر السلسلة الأنيقة بدلاً من القماش الأسود التقليدي للأرجل
Elegant choreography with ShowTex fabrics
Giant Mirror takes center stage
14-18 Musical
hundreds of meters flame retardant stage textiles
عناقيد الضياء
المسرح ملأ تمامًا بأقمشة وإطارات ShowTex
لا سكالا دي سيتا
high visual impact due to a tilted mirror
لاتر إز أوفر ناو
intriguing glow in the dark effects
amazing stage effects featuring lighting and video projections
أسطورة فوكس
a one-of-a-kind production featuring a 6m diameter circular GiantMirror by ShowTex
قصة فورت...
a variety of ShowTex stage fabrics in a visual extravaganza
ذا ليتل برينس
featuring movie screens & stage fabrics by ShowTex
تياترو ألا سكالا
giantmirror on wheels
ديش لأكرم خان
impressive handpainted backdrop and custom printed floor


عروض الأداء الفني

AluShape backdrop for flamenco performance

AluShape backdrop keeps audience wide awake

Metallic moulding cloth backdrop for Flamenco performance blurs the lines between night and day. 

Rented metallic stage fabrics serve as the perfect touring backdrop

Metallic stage fabrics as a statement

Golden stage fabrics provide glamour during this theatre performance about everyday life backstage.

Holographic projections on transparent scrims

Electric roll-up systems & hologram scrims change the scene

Immersive performance with hologram effects on invisible gauzes and reveal systems.

Hologram scrim and roll-drop system: unique projection duo

Hologram scrim and roll-up system create magic

Holographic projections on transparent netting create magic on the stage of Metaverse of Magic.

Kabuki drops velvet stage fabrics to switch the scene

Breathtaking Kabuki curtain drop at Teatro Real

Breathtaking Kabuki curtain drop and moving stage velvets leave the Rigoletto audience in awe.

Set design with hand-painted cyclorama by ShowTex

Cyclorama magic brings Cinderella to life

Reviving a fairy tale with Les Grands Ballets Canadiens is majestic, needing more than 35 fire-rated stage curtains.

LurexVoile 100 Crunch by ShowTex shapes 3D light show

Flame-retardant metallic fabric spreads golden glow

Crunched golden décor creates spectacular light effects on the stage of  Lazgi - Dance of Soul.

Terhal: prints & projection on stage fabrics by ShowTex

Terhal: prints & projection on stage fabrics

Printed fabrics and projections all around astound the audience of Terhal.

Backlit projection materials: light diffusing décor for onboard cabaret spectacle

Light-diffusing décor for onboard cabaret spectacle

Backlit projection materials set the tone at P&O Cruises latest evening spectacle.

Immersive projections on invisible mesh at Sound of Dunhuang

Creative projection surfaces at Sound of Dunhuang

Immersive projections on fabric projection surfaces mesmerize young and old.

Si vous voulez de la lumière

Theatrical time travel through projection fabrics

Fabric projection surfaces guide you through a theatrical journey of time and space.

colourful imagery on projection tulle sets the tone for musical Las Aventuras de Frida

Colourful projections on layered stage tulle

Colourful imagery on projection tulle sets the tone for musical Las Aventuras de Frida.
