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Amazing Stage Fabrics in Motion
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1500+ m² of outdoor projection mesh was the highlight of Noor Festival.
Sports award ceremony opener with immersive hologram effects on a projection net.
Invisible projection scrims and venetian roll-up systems define this car launch.
No less than 28 Kabuki drop systems steal the show at this building reveal.
Printed fabrics, string curtains, masking & projection materials at Expo 2020.
Immersive video mapping on an extra-wide outdoor projection gauze.
Immersive projections lift your museum visit to the next level.
Step into the art of Pieter Bruegel where the paintings come to life through projections on screens.
A majestic show combining immersive fabric projections, great lighting, human interaction and special effects.
A whopping 1200 sqm of DekoSilk drapes fully gone in only 3 seconds through HiSpeed Reveal.
In a blink of an eye, the massive projection screens elegantly dropped down using a 3-piece Kabuki system.
The artist chose ShowTex frames and flame-retardant fabrics for his stunning 3D projection setup.