The right reveal system will certainly take your opening or launch to the next level. Are you ready to dazzle your guests with the breath-taking effect of unveiling and roll-up systems?
Curtain pleats and fullness
Curtains can be sewn either flat or with fullness. While the visual aspect is important, opting for fullness and pleats significantly affects the functionality of the drapes as well. Therefore, take your time to select the desired amount of fullness and type of pleat that aligns best with the budget, look and style of your venue or event.
اللغة الخضراء
تتنوع اشكال استخدام اللغة الخضراء بشكل واسع وتختلف في المصطلحات المستخدمة وقد لا تكون دائما واضحة جدًا. هذه اللمحة أدناه ستوضح المعاييرالمستخدمة لتحديد استدامة منتجاتنا.
10 minutes with Jan Blomme
Did you know that in addition to an office in Hong Kong, ShowTex Asia has two offices in Shanghai as well? We talked to the managing director of ShowTex Asia to get an update on how things are going.
Onshoring profits and productivity
Specialty Fabrics Review • Onshoring and nearshoring provide manufacturers with streamlined eciencies and happier customers. (in English)
Terhal by Dragone
TPIMEA • A purpose-built venue in Diriyah hosts a dazzling theatrical performance that celebrates the rich history and culture of Saudi Arabia. (in English)
Corporate social responsibility at ShowTex
As a global organisation, ShowTex values a socially healthy environment for everyone it works and collaborates with. These are the actions we take on a daily basis to maintain a high level of corporate social responsibility.
Green initiatives in an eco-challenging industry
One of the main challenges in the event and entertainment industry is sustainability. But luckily, things are changing fast. At ShowTex, the most eco-friendly solution is always the goal. If we can add a green touch, we will!
This is going to be our year
ONDERNEMERS • Interview with the Managing director of the ShowTex headquarters in Belgium. "Better to stand out in a niche sector, than to be mediocre in a giant, competitive industry" (in Dutch)
10 minutes with Thomas Van Lokeren
We spoke to the Managing Director of ShowTex US & Canada about his experiences with starting up a new branch in the middle of a pandemic.