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Amazing Stage Fabrics in Motion

آخر الأخبار

ShowTex, the reveal company

The right reveal system will certainly take your opening or launch to the next level. Are you ready to dazzle your guests with the breath-taking effect of unveiling and roll-up systems?

اللغة الخضراء

تتنوع اشكال استخدام اللغة الخضراء بشكل واسع وتختلف في المصطلحات المستخدمة وقد لا تكون دائما واضحة جدًا. هذه اللمحة أدناه ستوضح المعاييرالمستخدمة لتحديد استدامة منتجاتنا.

ShowTex Asia at Live Entertainment Expo Tokyo 2023

10 minutes with Jan Blomme

Did you know that in addition to an office in Hong Kong, ShowTex Asia has two offices in Shanghai as well? We talked to the managing director of ShowTex Asia to get an update on how things are going.

Corporate social responsibility at ShowTex

Corporate social responsibility at ShowTex

As a global organisation, ShowTex values a socially healthy environment for everyone it works and collaborates with. These are the actions we take on a daily basis to maintain a high level of corporate social responsibility.

Eco-friendly ceiling decoration at fashion show Tomorrow Denim

Green initiatives in an eco-challenging industry

One of the main challenges in the event and entertainment industry is sustainability. But luckily, things are changing fast. At ShowTex, the most eco-friendly solution is always the goal. If we can add a green touch, we will!

Picture of team ShowTex USA and Canada

10 minutes with Thomas Van Lokeren

We spoke to the Managing Director of ShowTex US & Canada about his experiences with starting up a new branch in the middle of a pandemic.

مرآة GiantMirror في جولة مع لياندرو

تحدى قوانين الجاذبية مع مرآة ShowTex العملاقة GiantMirror

Flame retardant fabrics

معايير مانع الاشتعال

الستائر وأقمشة حدث للأماكن العامة مثل المسارح ومراكز المؤتمرات مطلوبة من قبل القوانين المحلية لتلبية معايير مانع الاشتعال.

ShowTex installer working on-site

Perks of working with a global organization

With more than 10 offices spread over 5 continents, and more than 300 employees from over 40 different countries, we surely are worthy of our title “international company”. But did you know that working locally with a global partner comes with many advantages?

Laser-cut Fabrics

الأقمشة المطبوعة والمصممة بالقطع بالليزر

ازدادت شعبية القطع بالليزر في عملية تصنيع الستائر والمفروشات في الآونة الأخيرة. تقدم ShowTex أحدث تقنيات القطع بالليزر الدقيقة، قادرة على إنتاج أجزاء متعددة من القطع الدقيقة النقش مرة تلو الأخرى.
