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Amazing Stage Fabrics in Motion

Printed, Painted, Laser-Cut

Totally personalized concepts with painted, printed or laser cut fabrics. From extra large printed theatrical backdrops and personalized exhibition fabrics to precision laser cutting services for any design, pattern, or shape. Colourful designs on fabric create totally personalized concepts at events, performances, or venue decoration.

Spinnaker Print - printed fabric

Excellent translucence. Like tracing paper. Perfect for inflatable projection spheres.

BannerDrape Print - printed fabric

Semi transparant printed fabric with recto-verso print effect and fine texture.

DekoTaft Print - printed fabric

Semi-shiny printed fabric with high quality recto-verso print effect. Drapes beautifully.

Voile CS Print - printed sheer fabric

Luxurious-looking printed sheer fabric with recto-verso print effect. High-quality translucent image
