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Amazing Stage Fabrics in Motion

360 immersive projections of famous artworks in museums
360 immersive projections of famous artworks in museums
360 immersive projections of famous artworks in museums
360 immersive projections of famous artworks in museums
360 immersive projections of famous artworks in museums

1000m² of projection fabrics for the Gustav Klimt expo

Brussels, Belgium
قد 2021

Wandering around in your favourite artworks may sound like a dream, but thanks to countless projectors and over 1000 m² of projection fabrics it became reality during this art experience.

Walls covered in fabric and immersive 360° projections actually allow you to step inside the famous paintings of Gustav Klimt, Van Gogh or Monet. The white blackout curtains that serve as the perfect alternative projection surface certainly amaze with their high-quality image reproduction.

Reflecting mirror foil does the trick

To enhance the immersive 360-feel even more, the Klimt expo features grotesque pillars covered in mirror foil to beautifully reflect the projected artwork. More than an exhibition, this is an art experience!

Masking fabrics as the finishing touch

A concept like this needs to guide all light to the right places and keep it out of others. On top of that, there are countless projectors to hide. Black stretch fabrics to the rescue! Attached the masking drapes to the ceiling made sure the technical equipment didn’t attract the visitor’s attention and the whole venue looked sleek and spotless. No doubt everything was taken into account here to allow you to fully immerse yourself in your all-time favourite paintings.

Let’s turn your next art project into an unforgettable 360 event.

Get in touch with ShowTex’ projection experts