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Amazing Stage Fabrics in Motion

Sheer Fabric - DekoSilk

The widest silk available anywhere!

DekoTaft - budget event fabric

Eco-friendly and extra-wide taffeta that drapes beautifully. Also used as semi-shiny lining.

DekoTaft Crunch - budget event fabric

Crushed taffeta reflects light under various angles, creating a kaleidoscopic effect.

Satinac - glossy fabric

Affordable, extra-wide and eco-friendly exhibition fabric with a satin shine.

Satinac Crunch - glossy fabric

Crushed satin reflects light under different angles, creating an amazing kaleidoscope effect.

SlitDrape - string curtain

String curtain with shimmer or slashed fringes that pick up and bounce light.

Chain curtain "Spirelli"

Anodised aluminum chain curtain (also known as chain link curtain).

PolyStretch P8 CS Matt - stretch fabric

P8 has a unique 3 meter width and can stretch seamlessly up to almost 5m.

Tie Ribbon - curtain tie

Very flexible curtain tie, non-fraying, thermally cut.


Tie Ribbon on Roll - curtain tie

Very flexible curtain tie ribbon, non-fraying. Has to be thermally cut.


Carpet tape for attaching dancecarpet. Leaves almost no glue residue.


 All-round and easy tearable carpet tape.
