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Amazing Stage Fabrics in Motion

Suez - flame-retardant fabric

Strong flame-retardant fabric that is often used as an extension for Wagner curtains in theatres.

Budget event fabric - Juncko

Inexpensive, flame retardant fabric, available in almost any colour!

Velours Puccini - flame retardant stage velvet

Flat-pile and light cotton stage velvet with medium satin sheen. Available in an elegant colour range

Velours Verdi - stage velvet

Flat-pile and medium weight cotton stage velvet, available in an elegant colour range with medium satin sheen.

Velours Bellini - stage velvet

Flat-pile and heavy weight cotton stage velvet, available in an elegant colour range with medium satin sheen.

Voile CS - sheer fabric

Inherently flame retardant sheer fabric. Combine with starcloth for extra effect.

Cyclo 75 - cyclorama

Loose weave muslin available in a variety of widths for large seamless cycloramas.

Cyclo 150 - cyclorama

Light weight cyclorama.


Cyclo 200 - cyclorama

Medium weight standard cyclorama. Flame retardant cotton duck cloth.

Cyclo 300 - cyclorama

The heaviest of all cycloramas. Can be used as floor canvas.

