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Amazing Stage Fabrics in Motion

Cyclo 200 - cyclorama

Medium weight standard cyclorama. Flame retardant cotton duck cloth.

Filled Cloth - stage canvas

Textured stage canvas for flexible movement. Wrinkle resistant.


Colourful foil with glossy reflection.


DanceCarpet Double - dance floor

Double-sided carpet. Lightweight dance floor, ideal for touring.

DanceCarpet Jumbo - dance floor

Double-sided, extra wide dance floor. Best applied on a pliable subfloor.

DanceCarpet Studio - dance floor

One-sided dance floor, ideal for dance studios. Very stable, high quality flooring.


DanceCarpet Cascade - dance floor

One-sided carpet. Very durable dance floor.


LaqueFloor - stage floor

A highshine stage floor! Single-sided and budget-friendly.

Adhesive aluminum tape. Heat resistant.

Carpet tape for attaching dancecarpet. Leaves almost no glue residue.


 All-round and easy tearable carpet tape.
