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Amazing Stage Fabrics in Motion

Track Operating Systems

Operating Systems

Stage drape movement just got more exciting with ShowTex Operating Systems. Our motorized tracks are essential on stage for live precision movement of stage curtains and scenery.

Rope Drive Lite motorised track control by ShowTex

A budget-friendly track motor designed for basic curtain movement at a fixed speed.

Rope Drive Standard motorised track control by ShowTex

A motor with adjustable speed, designed to elegantly control your rope-operated curtain tracks.

RopeAssist - manual rope operation

Manually opening or closing your stage drapes by rope was never easier!

Chain Drive Standard motor by ShowTex

A budget-friendly motor with adjustable speed, designed for chain-operated curtain movement.

Chain Drive Pro Flex motorised track control by ShowTex

High-end chain-driven motor for precision curtain movement.

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