Ferrari World öppnar med en smäll tack vare unika projektorytor och avtäckningsridåer som de aldrig setts förut.
Lighter than air DekoSilk panels in vibrant red mounted on vertical tracks and attached to a Kabuki system heightened the suspense as the huge crowds waited for the unveiling. As soon as the red drapes disappeared, wondrous projections that seemed to float in midair appeared. For the first time anywhere, a new limitless StretchTulle fabric was used, extended to measure 18 m x 50 m high without any visible seams.
Acting as a holographic scrim, the suspended "invisible" stretch projection screens virtually disappeared as the show began with vibrant colors, lights, and music. Acrobats entered the airborne stage through decorative ceiling panels in blue DekoTaft measuring 25 x 16 meters each. These were mounted on horizontal ShowPipe curtain tracks that opened and closed horizontally as well, to hide performers and allow them to fly in magically from above. The effect of fabric and projection made it impossible to tell where the projected images stopped and the live action performers began. The two together integrated into a magical show topped off by a firework display.
Inside the venue, guests entered through thick layers of red velvet curtains installed on EasyDrape temporary pipe and base tracks. The entrance hall decoration required an uninstall time of only 30 minutes. These are the exact situations where EasyDrape excels. The curtains and hanging system where up and down in no time, and looked as good as any permanent installation.
Another fast and furious feature of the event, was the PolyStretch projection screen. Technicians had a mere 3 seconds to build it up through an intricate manual system of pulleys, rope, and counterweights. The fabric performed beautifully and high resolution video footage of the firework show outside appeared out of nowhere on the stretch screen.
ShowTex Middle East supplied all printed canvases, screens, and decorative fabrics featured in the Ferrari World Theme Park as well.